A Day of Play in Longyan

ConnorA quick coffee and breakfast fueled us for another day to meet with more than 40 children cared for in Longyan foster homes.  We were able to meet many of the loving foster parents who help prepare children for life in a family. We spent our day playing peek a boo, bouncing balls and singing nursery rhymes.  Love becomes a universal language.  We aren’t sure if we or the kids had more fun.  It was a highlight to see the growth and progress that many of the children have made since AGCI’s last visit in the fall.

At dinner we were sharing about our highlights of the day and all agreed it was impossible to choose just one.  Some of the favorite moments were seeing three children walk.  One little girl tried her hand at walking and took some of her very first steps today.  Another precious one year old walked like a pro.  We were shocked to hear she was only one week into this new skill.  Another young girl showed us her newer walking skills by leaving her walker assistant to walk across the room.  She ended our time by snuggling and kissing a doll on the head and blowing kisses to us.

Another highlight of the day was watching children cling to their foster moms. We all agreed that 12 hours flew by and there were too many special moments to choose just one favorite.

We have just one last day at Xiamen and look forward to sharing the photos and videos.

Jodi Miyama
VP Adoption