AGCI Embrace Missions China – Harmony House and New Day – Beijing, China

This September a group of 14 women and orphan advocates traveled to Beijing, China to serve at Harmony House and New Day Foster Care home. Both facilities care for orphaned children living with special needs and provide ongoing care, education and treatment for the children who are a part of their holistic programs.

While in China the team served in several different capacities, including ministering to a moms and tots group through the New Day community outreach program, and treating the children at Harmony House to a few memorable outings they will never forget, one of them being a trip to a 5-star swimming pool. A real treat!

Below are personal notes from our partner at Harmony House and a mission trip participant.


Our partner, Lily, at Harmony House:

Hi Kiersten,

I am so so thank Him to arrange your group to my house to help orphans, I am really thanks for all of your group members they did great work at HH. Please help me to say “thanks” to them again. and thanks you and your organizations to arrange the kind people to help orphans, thanks for everything you did for HH and your groups are wonderful groups. And please give a hug to Karen and Eric for me and I miss them. 

Thanks again and hope can see you and your groups next time. 



From Tammy, a mission trip participant:

Hi Kiersten,

I was really looking forward to meeting the little ones from New Day (since I have been following their Facebook page since January), and as we entered the baby room Sara told us that two of the little girls had some stranger anxiety, Poppy and Annabelle…I felt so blessed that Poppy warmed up to me quickly and we got to share precious time playing that morning.
