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Episode 81

What Do You Wish Your Parents Knew When They Adopted You?

Genet Roba

You are listening to Together by AGCI. I’m Melissa Rush. Today we’re chatting with the incredible Genet Roba. In today’s episode, Genet shares her adoption story and what it was like to be adopted from Ethiopia as an older child. This episode is a must listen for anyone in the adoption community or thinking about becoming an adoptive parent. Genet’s story is filled with miracles and she has so much wisdom to share. Let’s get into our conversation.

So I am so excited to have my friend Genet here on the podcast today. Thank you so much for joining us. Of course. Thank you for having me. It’s an honor. So I would love if you could just kind of start at the beginning and you know, share whatever parts of your adoption story that you’re comfortable sharing. You know, how old you were when you were adopted, if you have memories of this time. So I have a younger brother, his name is Asher. So it was just the two of us. And after we lost both of our biological parents, God provided some connections and I was really, really young and taking care of him and I had to go, I had to stop going to school cuz the burden was too much. Yeah. For that being, we were able to go into the orphanage, which AI probably majority of the people would know it.

So at that time I did not know people are actually were, are able to get adopted internationally. What I knew is like, okay, they will go to the orphanage and then they will grow up until they are able to go to universities like 18 or 19 and then they will get help outside of the orphanage. That was in my mind. So after we got into the orphanage and there were quite a few like, you know, American, American parents or from Europe, they would come and take the kids and I was really confused and I’m like, what’s going on? You know? Yeah. So I had, I had some friends and then I was asking them and they were telling me and I was like, oh, okay. So at that time it was a very dark moment for me. One, you know, the suffering that my brother and I went through. Yeah. And at the moment we were in this transition, it’s like, okay, who’s gonna accept us and who’s gonna able to take us to the state and actually be our parents? And as an older sister, you know, there’s playing the mom role. Yeah. Okay. What if they like me and what if if they don’t like my brother? Or it could be vice versa. Yeah. And it was something that I wasn’t willing to play as in like, you know, one of us to be separated because it’s just the two of us that left.

So I remember like, you know, I used to have a nightmare about it. I used to be really, really, I mean now looking back to it, you know, I can identify it. I used to be very depressed. I used to be very isolated with everybody because you know, looking down the future, and there is, so prior to our story, like, you know, after my dad passed away when I was seven and then my mom left us out of the blue when I was nine. So there’s this questions like, okay, like, you know, why, why did that happen? Yeah. Are we, my brother and I wasn’t good enough, so could this happen in the future? You know what I mean? So when we found out that we had a family that were able to adopt us, so they, the process, it was so amazing how God like covered my brother and I, we were in orphanage for at least seven months and then there were kids that were there for years. I can as in like seven years, up to 10 years. Wow. So as soon as we got a family, we, I was like, okay, at least God’s working, you know, and the, you know, the different process, it can be very challenging. Yeah. And God was in it through it all. So our process didn’t even took like three weeks, it was just rapidly, it was completed.

So my parents able to come and they were able to bring, bring us to the state. That’s how I am here. A small person. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. No, that’s a pretty amazing story. And to go from, yeah. I mean losing, you know, your parents being in an orphanage, not knowing what the future held like you said, I mean that’s, it’s a really traumatic experience and to go through and to feel, especially as an older sibling and to feel responsibility for your brother. And I’m sure that was really, really difficult. So when you, when you found out going to be adopted, you were, what, what emotions were going through you? Because that also meant you’d be leaving Ethiopia. Yes, yes. So the funny part, I had a really well close friend. So she got adopted and her sister, she has a sister as well. Her sister process wasn’t completed at the same time. So her parents came to take her first and then the dad came back to take her sister. So at that time, since I was her closest friend, you know, she had some gifts and some letters to the house mothers and to her friends. And she told her dad, she’s like, oh, Genet is my closest friend. Can you give it to her? And she will just distribute it and it’ll be easier. Yeah.

So the dad came and I remember he was there for three days and I was helping him as much as, as I could. And he got really, really attached. And I remember on the third day when he said when he came to the orphanage to say goodbyes, he was sobbing. Like literally like the way he was crying, like it looked like he was leaving his daughter, you know, behind. Yeah. Yeah. So after he came back to the state, a month later they told us we were having a family that was able to adapt us and I was hoping it was gonna be my friend’s dad. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And the cool partners ended up being that way. It did. Oh my goodness, I didn’t know that. Wow. That is, that’s crazy. I, at that time, my parents had adopted like two from China, which a agency, I was able to help them through the process, the adoption process. Wow. And they adopted two from Ethiopia and they had three of their own. So when my dad came and told her about myself and my brother Asher, my mom was like, oh no, like no more kids, I’m done. And he’s like, let’s pray about it. She’s like, no, we’re not praying about it. Even that’s the story that I heard after I came back. So it was cool how God did it.

So my dad got it really, really touch towards me and they, what they were praying from the story my mom was telling me she was driving and we have like this big van. Yeah. Yes. I can imagine. Literally it was like 50 passenger. Oh, that’s awesome. So when she was driving in that season of their life, she couldn’t hit the pedal, like the break. And literally my mom is a woman of prayers. Her faith is incredible. So God flat out told her like to pull aside and literally she saw my brother jumping and God told her, Asher is your son. Wow. So right then there was no hesitation. She was being obedient. She called my dad and she told him, those are our kids, let’s start the process. And you are familiar with the adoption process cuz I think after you adapt, you have to wait about a year or two to able to adopt another kid. But you know, God being our favor, literally in a month when they sent the application, they got the approval for it. Wow. That is a miraculous story. Rare. Yeah. And how, how special too that your, your friend, like somebody who also, you know, in addition to your brother who like kind of understood what you had gone through and all like then now is your sister. Yeah, it was, it was very cool. Like all, all of our friends that are like, you guys are lucky.

You guys are best friends now sisters, you know? Yeah. Yeah. Wow. So yeah. Oh, that’s amazing. So then, okay, so I’m sorry that is like one of the craziest stories I’ve ever, what was your, what was your transition like into your adoptive family? Like, like, so then you, you’re okay, I’m being adopted by, I mean, at least you had, you’d kind of, you’d established a relationship with your now dad, so you knew he wasn’t a stranger to you at that point, which is helpful I would imagine. Yeah. But then you’re leaving, you’re coming to the US into a large family with, you know, kids from adopted kids, bio kids, all the things. What was that like? At first it was chaotic, honestly. Yeah. Because, you know, growing up it was just Asher and my brother and I, and then now coming into a big family, I’m a very observant person, like for the first two months. And there was like a language barrier too. Yeah. I wasn’t able to communicate that much. So I would just watch and like, we share bedrooms, we share like some of our clothes and I’m like, okay, this is kinda weird because change, you know, like coming from Ethiopia, like you have a picture of what America life looks like. Sure.

From, you know, the volunteers that they sh they come and share how their lifestyle is and from the TV that you see, like, you know, the teenagers will have their own room or the girls will have, you know what I mean? Yeah, no, totally. Yeah. Yeah. So there’s that imaginations and then now the reality is like, okay, I have to share my bedroom, I have to share this. And everything is big in our family. So like, you know, the table’s big, the food that we prepare is big cuz we are a big family. So for the two, for the first 2, 2, 3 months it was trying to fit in. And plus like what if, if I do bad, let’s say if I make a mistake, how is that gonna look like? Sure. So I feel like I had to force myself to be in a perfect spot. Yeah. Not to make a mistake. What if if they, I don’t know if I was being disobedient, is that gonna look like to send me back home if that happened, how is, how is my life is gonna be and what does my brother philander? You know? So I would say the first five months I was juggling and we were, my mom, she homeschooled each of us and that was a little different from me.

I mean, when we were in the orphanage, of course like, you know, I guess you kind of can call it homeschool cuz we all have like our classes, but still was on the same compound. But I’ve never heard of homeschool, so this was my first time and my mom being a teacher, my grandma being our math teachers, that was a little different. Yeah. I mean, looking back to it now, I’m glad and I, I enjoyed, I enjoyed being homeschooled. So, but that, yeah, no, it’s a big transition and I’m, I’m glad cuz that’s something we, we talk about a lot that especially with kids who are older who are adopted, that there’s kind of this feeling like, you know, you don’t yet feel secure in your family because of your past experiences and the trauma that you’ve been through. And so there’s this fear like, what if I don’t do everything perfectly? Will they love me? Will they leave me? Which is like just a tremendous weight for a child to carry. Yeah. That must have been difficult. So what, I mean, you know, obviously as an adult looking back you have a different perspective. But thinking about that now, is there anything that could have made that transition a little bit easier? Maybe to able to make connections? Like with the, as a, me being from Ethiopia, like you know, with the community? Yeah.

Because what I noticed was even from my friend’s parents, like, you know, if, if someone calls, like let’s say one of their friend calls and if we speak to them and I’m hard, they’ll get in trouble for it. Cuz thinking the parents will think, oh you’re talking something bad about, oh, you know what I mean? Sure. Of the not knowing the language. Sure. So I wish we had that connection in a way. Maybe it could help, I don’t know. But at the same time, you know, there’s a big gap with the Ethiopian community as well. Which what I notice now, yeah. One not able to understand what adoption is. As soon as like, you know, I tell them, hey, like, you know, you know, you kind of share your own stories, right? Sure. They’ll be like, oh, so how did you come up from like Ethiopia? Like yeah, yeah. So I would tell them, oh I’m adopted right away in their minds like, oh you’re a citizen. I’m like, okay. So there’s so other questions that comes behind it as well. So in a way maybe they could have at the same time, like looking back to it, I’m like, they did not, cuz there would be like, I feel like there’ll be like pressure as in oh you have to help your family since like, you know, they’re Americans. Maybe they can give you a lot of more money. I don’t know.

And you know, the culture difference and yeah. Sure. Yeah. That’s interesting. So even you feel like, well you know, like you said as an adult and like now, you know, having friends and knowing people that are like, have come to Ethiopia, not through, I mean have come to the US from Ethiopia, not necessarily through adoption and they kind of are, do you feel like an outsider then in that regard then too? Because there, or there’s like an aspect where there’s a difference I guess in how you Yeah. With this one literally you can do like a whole podcast. My listen, it’s so crazy. It makes me sad because like, you know, so right after I graduated from high school in 2013, I moved to Portland for school. My dad is aunt my American dad. I meet his sister, my aunt, she lives here. So I was able to stay with them and work and go to school. So I was able to meet quite a few Ethiopians and I started going to Ethiopia church. So like, you know, with my surrounding, like cuz I wanted to continue like learning my language and my culture. Yeah. But with that, the transition honestly was really, really hard because you know what, what I mentioned earlier, it’s like, oh okay, so if you were adopted, that means you were a citizen.

In that case, are you gonna be able to marry my uncle and then I’ll pay you 50 to $60,000? I’m like, but with me because like, you know, I grew up in with American family. Yeah. And I didn’t know all those things. Like honestly. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I was like, wait, what? There’s such a thing. They’re like, yeah you can, you can marry him and do that. I’m like, no, I don’t wanna marry your uncle. Thank you. Yeah. The other thing is like, that’s what I’m saying, I don’t think there’s a knowledge of what adoption is and they will, I’m very, very close with my parents and you know, with my family. Yeah. And when I, whenever I talk about my parents or my mom or my dad, they’d be like, oh, how are you able to call your white mom, mom? I’m like, and I start because has come, this statement has been made like quite few times and I’m like, okay, so there is a lack of knowledge what adoption looks like. Yeah. And at the same time, you know, like my own people back home. Yes. Not everybody lives a different life. Everybody has their own financial crisis or whatever. However, you know, these people, they came across the ocean. Yeah. To accept and to claim that I was their child, however my own blood wasn’t able to play that role. Do you see what I’m saying? Yeah.

And that’s my answer to them. It’s like, okay, if you wanna be wrong, I’m gonna be wrong with you. Sure. But at the same time, God can use anybody. It’s just a matter of being an obedient and hearing his voice. So yeah. That’s very interesting. Yeah. No, I, well we might have to do another, another conversation just about that, cuz that’s fascinating. Thank you for sharing about that. So back, going back in time a little bit here. Yeah. When you, what, what kind of support did you and your family have? Like when you came home? Like were there, you know, people at your family’s church that were trying to help out or family members? What, what did that look like? So my grandparents on my dad’s side, they were very involved. So my grandma was our math teacher and, and she was, yeah, she taught me a lot of things. Honestly like half to sew and she’s very crafty. She, she’s amazing. So my, yeah. And then church families and I think at that time my parents were building a good relationship with the Lord. So the church that they go, they start, they, they start going prior like us moving, which I didn’t like, but I mean the people were nice and they were very supportive. My mom’s an amazing woman, so being homeschooling all those kids and providing food and my dad was, yeah.

So he works and my mom was a stay home mom, but I think she had enough support. That’s great. Yeah. In, in your opinion, you know, again, like kind of thinking back, what do you feel like your parents like really got right with, you know, raising you with adoption? That’s a broad question. I know, I’m sure it was many things. I’ll say one of ’em being an obedience to his calling cuz you know, sometimes God can speak to us and we pretend that we listen but we don’t take the actions. Sure. So one that got, that got right by listening and being an obedient and an action, taking a loop of faith because you know, in that time raising all those kids probably, you know, they might have not enough money to support the family. And plus, you know, right after like two kids coming into their home and then adding another one, you know, and that just a fast pace. That’s not an easy thing, especially for the kids that were in the home. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah. So like after we get older, like, you know, actually I was talking to my sister that’s a doctor from China, like, you know how, because she was the first one and she was like, you know, I used to be spoiled. So after you guys came like, you know, I wasn’t able to get said this and that, see those little things. Yeah.

Like it was, it was not easy, but they were able to take the risk for that. So that, and, and my parents created like an amazing environment as in like, you know, we were, we used to celebrate American New Year, Chinese New Year, Ethiopia New Year. Cause you know, the calendar being different. So we used to have like all the cultural food and my dad is an amazing and amazing cook. He can make anything like literally. So him creating that environment for us. Like we used to eat Asian food, Ethiopian food, American food, like any food to introducing us to different cultures and actually to respect it and to value it that and investing in our spiritual life especially. So on my sophomore year we moved to Olympia, Washington. Okay. So that is when actually God just shifted our family’s faith and my parents start ministering into like pre-marriage classes or marriage classes. So it was just like how God just rotates, you know, from our previous faith that we had. And then now I think that was like the most beautiful moment teaching us life skills. So I said like, you know, we didn’t grow up spoiled, we had chores. The house used to be like literally smallest. It doesn’t even look like there were 10 kids in it. That is amazing. My, my mom, she did it the smart way.

So, so like, you know, after like, you know, I got her from the house, it was like, okay, I am able to cook. I am able to do my own chores. Like there wasn’t anything that was new to me. Like, you know, how to use a vacuum or if even if I had to go down and clean the toilet, like, you know, she taught me those life skills. So I was able to equip that. So I think, I think those, those are most of the things that they did. Correct. Yeah. Yeah. That’s wonderful. That’s wonderful. They sound like amazing parents. Is there anything that you wish that your parents had known or been aware of before they adopted you? I think my parents were very like knowledgeable when it comes to like, you know, the adoption and all that. But one of the things I wish they would’ve done maybe for us to seek like counseling because you know, the being, I mean having so many kids to be like emotionally available for each of ’em. Like it’s, it’s hard not even like for 10 kids, even if it’s hard to be available for like these two people. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah. Absolutely. And I wish like we had that like mental support, you know, to deal with like the trauma that we experienced prior coming to the state and then, you know, after probably that’s like one of ’em. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

That’s, I I think, I think that’s something that is, I mean obviously not for everyone, but I, I think that there is more awareness of the importance of that now than there was, you know, 10, 15 years ago. Which I think is a positive shift that people kind of realize like you don’t have to necessarily have like extreme outward behaviors or extreme, you know, like struggles that everybody can see. But just to have somebody like a safe space to someone to talk to. Absolutely. Listening to you that it, it’s really helpful for, for most people I think. Yeah. Not just adoptive kids but yeah. Everyone. But I think that there’s more awareness and like acceptance of that now, which is like a pos I think a positive shift. What do you wish that people understood about the adoptee experience? And obviously, I mean I know you’re not speaking for all adoptees, you’re speaking for yourself, but Yeah. What’s, what’s like a misconception you feel like you hear or something people don’t, don’t get? I mean I am involved in like, you know, adoption communities and I know a lot, a lot of kids. Yeah. I know a lot of some kids that are successful in this route and some kids that have ended up being not in a pleasant position as in like, you know, being in jail and all that. Yeah.

I mean for me, like, you know, looking back to it, you know, after, even after you and I had that dis discussion and I’m like, you know, God has just like honestly protected my heart in so many ways as in not to have any expectation. What I, by I mean by that is like, okay, so I’m adopted and I do have like an American mom. Yeah. American parents. Yes. They’re my parents at the at in that in this moment and they, they’re gonna play their role moving forward. Right. But they’re not gonna be able to fit in in my bial parents cuz that’s not their role. You know what I mean? Like I cannot play Melissa’s role or you cannot play my role. Yeah. Cause we are unique in our own ways. Yeah. Yeah. So I think what gave me peace is like, okay, yes they’re my parents, but at the same time they cannot fill that hole and play that role however, and vice versa too. Like yes I’m adopted but at the same time I cannot play their biological kid role. Sure. Cause I can’t, you know what I mean? So I think making peace with that anybody that’s, you know, wanting to adopt, it’s like okay, yes you can be a mom or you can be a dad, however you cannot be their biological parents and that does not make you a bad person. It’s just, that’s how the nature is, right? Yeah.

But however you can be the mom that you want it to be. You can be the dads that you want it to be in the way that God has called you to provide for the kid to mentor, to just be there upon his calling. So yeah, the expectation, I feel like, yeah, adoption is cool and I’m gonna be, you know, adopting and all this, but it’s like no deep down like, are you ready? Because it’s, it’s not easy. No, no it’s not like, you know, like the simplest things. Like I remember my mom and I whenever we go to the store and she used to get really, really upset cuz like, you know, I mean I’m black and she’s white. Yeah. And like a lot of, if I say, oh my mom here’s my mom. And I’d be like, why is she white? And most of the time I get questions, but are you gonna be okay with that? Yeah. And, and then having that discussion with your kid, it’s like okay, this is what the community will say but however you know, that’s not gonna make a difference. So having that like just have it all out at the table and just communicating that.

And I think one of the thing with American parenting, it’s what I have found is it’s okay to talk about kids but like when it’s in front of them, like you have no idea how damaged psychologically, I don’t know if your parents have done it, but I have seen it and so many parents do it. Their kid, their kid is like literally beside them and they’re talking, oh you know, my kid last week he did this and he did that and I punished him or he was in timeout and stuff. Like as a kid, hearing that is even more painful because you are giving out your kid’s weakness out too. I mean it can be your friend but at the same time maybe talk about it when that kid is not present. Yeah. And I don’t know, it might be from like, you know, the culture to how open everyone is, which is okay. But I guess it’s like okay, no, and you know like even the adoption stories that what your kid went through because experiencing it and after you, after you go through all the struggles that you went through, all the trauma that you went through and hearing it, hearing about it years later is completely different. And then it damaged you in different ways. So maybe the parents not to talk about it when the kids is present. Yeah, yeah. You know what I mean? Yes.

It is okay to share how God led them to that kid to adopt them. Yes. But at the same time, I feel like maybe they don’t have a position to share that kid’s story. Yeah. Yeah. And that’s respect. It’s not, it’s not a bad thing. And if the, if the family, if the parents wanted to share the kid’s story, maybe ask for permission cuz that shows dignity, right? Yeah. And you know, some of the things like, we don’t think about it but you have no idea like mentally how it matters and how much damage it can do to that person. Yeah. Yeah. No, that makes a lot of sense. And it’s, yeah, like you said, I mean giving, showing respect to your, to your child and letting them be the owner of their story in deciding who and when and if, you know, other people get to learn about that. It’s not, it’s not really your, your story to share. So No. Yeah, that’s, that’s good to hear. Do you have advi?

So if there is, you know, I, as you probably, you know, I don’t know what your experience was, but a lot of times adopted kids who are adopted, they’ll kind of ha you know, like in the teenage years, you know, maybe you’re kind of grappling with your identity a little bit or you know, in big transition points if there’s, you know, maybe a teenager who is adopted who’s listening and they’re struggling with their adoptive family and their identity. Like what, do you have any advice for them? Yes, I do. Cause I would, I would through it. Yeah. And honestly it’s okay to feel that it’s normal. It doesn’t make you to be a bad person. It doesn’t make you to be less than anyone else. And actually it’s, I feel like it’s, it, it’s good that you are experiencing that cuz you’re trying to find the pieces, right? Yeah. The calculation and to make it even however, it’s like going back to the root, it’s like, yes, there is a hole. And not having that expectation again, you know, I, I talk with a lot of adopted kids and they suffer from it and it’s so devastating to see them go through this. Yes, you’re adopted and that’s the reality of it. However, you know, being adopted in, in the Bible talks about is, is being chosen honestly. It’s like God chose you, you’ve been picked. Yeah.

It’s not, that makes you even more special than someone having actually been pregnant and giving birth to it. And plus, you know, God is our reading redeemer not anybody else. Like your adoptive parents cannot feel that eness in your heart and your biological cannot feel that emptiness in your heart. Only God couldn’t read him that. Like honestly I remember my sophomore year and I was struggling with it and I was like, okay. And it was in the middle of the night literally like I cried, I stopped and I’m like, God, just please take this person out of my heart. Like I cannot just do it with it anymore. And literally like I remember a hand coming through, like just taking that pain away and I felt it. Wow. And since then I know God has taken care of it and I don’t mind sharing my story. Like, you know, I’m confident when it comes to it and I’m willing to talk about it because a lot of people don’t. Yeah. So yes, it’s not easy, however, it’s good that you’re feeling this, that means the answer. You are trying to get to the answer. So you’re getting closer to it and at the same time, only God is your redeemer. Nobody else. Yeah. Thank you for sharing that. That’s really encouraging to hear.

So for someone who’s listening to this that maybe their, you know, adoption is on their heart, they’re trying to decide if this is the path for their family. Do you have advice for adoptive parents who are just kind of starting off on this journey? I mean, one thing I’ll say is that, you know, God plants the seeds and the desire, right. And he knows how to provide and if he did, if he does give you the desire and if he has placed that desire in your heart, he will provide to the needs and he’ll provide the way. And however, don’t force yourself to be a great parent. Don’t force yourself for the kid trying to for maybe force swing the relationship with the kid. Give it time and you might not get the answers that you want because like, you know, there’s like the hype season, right? The adoption process went through and everything is going well. Yeah. And you’re allowed to bring your kids and you have announced it to everybody. You know, like the excitement, there’s the hype season, right? Yeah. And when the reality hit okay, the kids have come home and maybe the relationship that you want from the excitement is not happening and that’s normal because you know, the kid is like literally coming to a new family Yeah.

And parents that he doesn’t know and trying to accept them as the parents, not just like, as a friend it’s okay because like you hang out and you leave, right? Yeah. And you have that space. Yeah. But as a parent and as a kid you don’t, yeah. Maybe you’ll see them like you can go to your room and then when you get out they’re still there. Can’t leave. Probably that’s the only space that you could get. So to, to be gracious honestly and a taking a time and you know, not getting the response that you want, it does not make you any less parents than you are and you know, love doesn’t give up. Right? Yeah. Because Christ was so consistent with us and he still is and he still does pursue us and like, you know, cuz we’re adopted and we are chosen by his own blood. So like, you know, just seeing what Christ has done for us and try to do the same as in like, you know, by being gracious and just loving him the way he is or she is and that season of their life and just being there and in time the kid will see it. Yeah. Cause I, oh I was going through stuff but my parents weren’t there. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Absolutely.

That’s great advice and I’m glad that you brought up the provision piece as well cuz I know a lot of people who, you know, feel called to adopt and they, you know, I mean adoption is very expensive and that is scary for most people and it’s hard to, you know, when you’re like, how are these, how is this math gonna add up? How are we gonna come up with this money? And, and, and that can be very, very stressful. And not to diminish that at all, but I mean, I can’t tell you, I mean one of the best parts of my job is I get to talk to families that have kind of walked these journeys and I have like a hundred stories of, of different ways in which, you know, a family was like, I have no idea how this is gonna work out. And like anonymous strangers leaving checks in their, you know, mailbox for the exact amount they need. I just, that actually specific thing has happened. I’ve heard from families multiple times. It’s just crazy. And so, like you said, if you have that desire, if you feel like that’s where you’re meant to be, it’s okay to not know how it’s all gonna work out because it will. And you know, we obviously, we joke that we can’t put that on our website, you know, like just trust that it will work out.

But it really does and it’s kind of, it’s, it’s just honestly just miracle to see how that happens in, in people’s lives. So Absolutely, absolutely. Just as an encouragement, if you are worried about that, I know it’s hard, but have faith that it will, that it will work out and it and it will. Well good. Is there anything else that is important for people to know about you or your story? I mean, you know, God has given us, even my husband Manuel and I, the vision of loving our people and I’m down in the future, of course, you know, we will do want open an orphanage and see where God leads it. And at the same time, you know, being the fatherless or the, I mean the father to the fatherless and the mother to the motherless. So, you know, that’s God’s character and as a family that we are pursuing that and we love doing it. And I know this is just the beginning of this calling, so we’re excited. Awesome. Well thank you so much for sharing your story and your openness and it was, it was truly a pleasure to chat with you. Thank you. Well, of course Mata, thank you for having me. It’s an honor. That was Gnet Roba. Thanks for listening to together by AGCI. As always, if you liked what you heard, please rate or review us wherever you listen to podcasts.

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