AGCI Family Adoption Grants

You can help a child unite with their forever family through the miracle of adoption!

Finances should never prevent a child from uniting with their forever family. Tragically, the number of children coming home to their forever families continues to decline. In 2004, at the peak of international adoption in the United States, 22,987 children came home to their families. In 2021, this number had fallen to just 1,785 children home.

Sadly, financial concerns are one of the primary reasons that families feel adoption is not feasible for their family. In the past two years, AGCI families have been awarded more than $550,000 in adoption grants. It’s our prayer that this level of funding continues so that finances never stand in the way of a child coming home.

To help make adoption financially feasible for more prepared, loving families, AGCI would like to expand our ability to provide much needed adoption grants–but we need your help to make this possible!

Adoption grants can mean the difference between a child growing up in an institution or in the arms of a loving family. Will you partner with us and help make adoption a reality for children waiting?

You can make all the difference for children and families like these AGCI Adoption Grant recipients!

Nichols Family

“The greater blessing you have funded here has been the clarity of God’s assurance that while we know we do not possess what we need to embark on this journey ourselves, as a family (financial or otherwise), God is with us in it, and ready to provide for our needs in His perfect timing, in our moment of need. We are so glad this is part of our family story!”

Hemmings Family

“Thank you so much for your gift, which allowed us funds to bring home our third son, Nikolay (Niko) from Bulgaria. As you know, this is an expensive process and our prayer was that we would be able to bring Niko home without going into debt. As we reached the finish line, it became clear to us that we would not have enough funds to finalize the adoption, when in swooped AGCI with a grant!”

M Family

“It truly takes a village to adopt and raise a child, and you have played a pivotal role in that village. We are so incredibly thankful for your financial assistance and prayers, and we know that our journey wouldn’t be the same if it wasn’t for your generosity. Thank you for this precious gift of financial peace, and the ability to offer a forever family for another precious gem.”