Where We Disrupt Trauma

We are relentless TRAUMA disruptors & child advocates who unlock new futures for children worldwide.

At All God's Children, we are relentless in our God-given calling to disrupt trauma and unlock pathways to family for vulnerable children worldwide. Our work spans five continents, each with its own unique challenges and needs.

We’re emptying institutions for good.

For the good of every institutionalized child. For the good of every vulnerable family. For the good of every child welfare system. For the good of God’s Kingdom.

We remain determined to dismantle the complex web of trauma that ensnares families around the world and keeps children in the throes of the welfare system. We have intervened for children in 25+ countries and are actively standing up for children across Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Pacific Islands.

Because no child should be alone.

Explore our work in…

= Child Advocacy Centers

= The Reach of AGCI’s Work

Child Advocacy Centers—Our deep commitment to holistic care.

Our Child Advocacy Centers are at the heart of our global efforts to disrupt trauma, create pathways to family, and empty institutions for good.

These centers offer services for children and families across the continuum of care, from crisis intervention to long-term support, ensuring that each child’s journey is one of healing, stability, and hope. Each Child Advocacy Center tailors its focus to address the most urgent needs of vulnerable children within its community.

We’re standing up for children across the globe.

Throughout all our programs, we focus on the following key areas:

  • Preventing family separation: We work to keep children with their families whenever possible, addressing the root causes of family separation.

  • Elevating care: For children who cannot remain with their families, we provide elevated care and support to ensure their well-being and prepare them for the future.

  • Family placement: We place children into loving families through reunification and adoption, ensuring every child has the opportunity to thrive.

  • Pathways to independence: We prepare young adults aging out of the child welfare system with the skills and support they need to succeed independently.

  • Policy partnership: We collaborate with policymakers to disrupt trauma and create new futures for thousands of children worldwide.

How You Can Make a Difference

  • Join the Trauma Disruptor Coalition.

    Sign Up. Get Empowered. Stay Inspired.
    Pray Hard. Unlock Possibilities.

  • Donate to restore hope.

    Make an impact that disrupts trauma and unlocks futures of healing and family for vulnerable children worldwide.

  • Sponsor a child now.

    Support a child at risk of falling into the child welfare system by helping keep them in their family and in school and unlock a future of possibilities.