Our Work in Ethiopia

We’re restoring families and transforming futures for children in Ethiopia.

Disrupting trauma in Ethiopia looks like…

24/7 Transition Care.

A safe home for children separated from their families.

Family Search and Reunification.

Comprehensive family search services to reunite children with their loved ones.

Pre- and Post-Placement Counseling.

Support for both children and families before and after reunification.

Education and Family Empowerment.

Tutoring, parenting classes, financial literacy training, and a family savings program to support families on the path to resilience.

Community Strengthening.

Education, training, and community outreach to reduce the risk of family separation.

Capacity Building.

Empowering child welfare professionals, law enforcement, and community members with the knowledge and skills to provide trauma-wise care.

We remain determined to dismantle the complex web of trauma in Ethiopia.

An estimated 600,000 children live on the streets in Ethiopia (UNICEF). Separated from family. At risk of horrific abuse, substance use, even trafficking.

  • 70% have survived physical abuse.

  • 86% faced emotional abuse.

  • 89% experienced neglect.*

We are standing up for this child now—because the story doesn’t end here.

*Numbers based on street children served by AGCI.

Our impact by the numbers.


total children stood up for.


of adults we serve take a step towards resiliency.


children reunified with their families.


of children reunified are still in stable care post-reunification.


of children experience a reduction in trauma symptoms.

Rise - The Way Home - Thumbnail.jpg

From brokenness to reunification: Aida’s story of healing.

Hear from our leader on the ground.

Dereje Zekele, Ethiopia Country Director

"As a Country Director of AGCI in Ethiopia, my inspiration comes from a deep commitment to making a meaningful impact on the lives of vulnerable children and their families. The direct experience of witnessing the profound challenges and needs faced by vulnerable children and families in Ethiopia is a powerful motivator for me to thrive for positive impact through the well-established and successful programs and strategies of AGCI."

Make a difference.

  • Join the Trauma Disruptor Coalition.

    Sign Up. Get Empowered. Stay Inspired.
    Pray Hard. Unlock Possibilities.

  • Donate to restore hope.

    Make an impact that disrupts trauma and unlocks futures of healing and family for vulnerable children worldwide.

  • Sponsor a child now.

    Support a child at risk of falling into the child welfare system by helping keep them in their family and in school and unlock a future of possibilities.

Contact our regional team.

Partner with AGCI to unlock futures for children
in Ethiopia.

God is bringing together a global family of change-makers to take down trauma. If you’d like to explore partnering with us, contact us today!