CHINA: Tiffany Reports – Day 1

China2Well, after nearly 30 hours of flights and layovers I made it to China safely!  The flights went well and I was so happy to arrive in China finally.  A driver picked me up at the airport and Rocky called and said that I would meet him at the CCCWA.  I thought it would be to just get to the hotel, but when I arrived, there was already a CCCWA tour and dinner planned.  I was sort of embarrassed, as I had brought a nice dress to wear for the occasion and here I was in my jeans and hair up in a bun after a long trip, but they were all so gracious and many were in jeans themselves so that made me feel better.  My first stop was a visit to the CCCWA’s executive directors office to say hello.  Then, I had a tour of the CCCWA along with a couple of staff from Gladney International who had also just flown in.  Attached are pictures of the matching department, post adoption department, and dossier review area at the CCCWA.  China41Also, I loved the sign they had in front of their office that stated “Everything is for the Children” and each letter was many children’s faces that have been adopted. China31 I was able to then visit with the head of domestic adoptions in China to learn more about what is happening domestically with adoption.  Then, almost all of the CCCWA staff joined us for a round table authentic Chinese dinner.  I was invited to sit right next to the director, and deputy director general.  It was such an honor and blessing to sit and visit with them and learn about their work and families.  It is the Chinese culture to toast one another with wine or whiskey, and to wish good health and happiness.  This is something I typically only see at weddings or big events like a graduation, so to be treated in this manner always feels very hospitable and kind, there were many toasts that evening.  The staff were so welcoming and we had a nice evening together visiting and laughing.  Another tradition  that they do is to ask one of their guests to sing, and guess who they asked?  Yes, me 🙂  Oh dear, so I wooed them with “You are my Sunshine” they loved it and sang right along with me.  The staff make me smile, I love the Chinese culture.  I have vowed to try and only use chopsticks while I am here and so far am doing great:)  I collapsed in to bed after a very long day.  I am so happy to be here.  I look forward to spending tomorrow at New Day!   — Tiffany
