Together by AGCI is a brand new podcast from the creative team at All God’s Children International.


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Episode 62

The Healing Hearts Project

Andrea Leon, AGCI Latin America Executive Director

You’re listening to Together by AGCI. I’m Marisa Butterworth. I had an opportunity to chat with someone I really admire. And today I am honored to introduce you to a new friend and coworker, Andrea Leon. Andrea is our AGCI Latin America Executive Director. She is a psychologist with a background in international affairs and she specializes in human rights and social development.

She is gifted at developing public policy for vulnerable populations and is a tri-regional trainer at Texas Christian University. More than all of that, she’s a wife and a mom to two beautiful girls. Andrea is here today to talk about our Healing Hearts Sexual Violence Recovery program. We are blessed to partner with a lifesaving organization in Colombia that comes alongside children and families as they recover from this unimaginable trauma.

Andrea has been a huge part of this coming to life in Colombia, and I am so excited that she is here to share more about it. Good morning, Andrea. It’s so wonderful to see you. Thank you so much for joining us on the podcast. And I say us as if it’s more people than me, but everybody listening, we’re so excited to have you here.

You’re coming in from Colombia, but I don’t know where you are. You’re in Bogota. Are you at home like I am in Bogota right now? I’m actually busy. So, thank you for having me. I’m super happy to have this opportunity to share not only with you as you just sit with everybody. Yes. That good things are happening. Amazing things are happening.

I am so excited for you to share hard things, too, but it’s just incredible to see God at work there in Colombia. So, our team that I work on recently traveled back in May out to Bogota and we got to see you. And I had never met you. I’d been a couple of times, but I always heard your name.

Everybody always talked about you. You were kind of like the celebrity. So, I was so excited to finally, like, have a chance to meet you. And, I mean, I warned you when we left last time. I’m like, now, now you’re going to have to be one of my best friends. I’ve claimed you. And I’m like, this is how it goes.

I’m sorry. You’re already done. You got besides that that I’m making you be my friend. Can you just share a little bit about your role at AGCI and the work that you’re doing right now? Yeah, Isaiah said it was incredible. Have you here, guys, especially after many like to. Yes, call me. Nobody has. Come on now. So, it was nice to be able to spend time with the team.

I used to work for the ICBF. That’s the world for Institute here in Colombia. It’s how I met a guy, and I was working in options. I was the deputy of their adoptions in Colombia. Okay? And I just had the chance to know that small part of EDC during the years and working close to AGCI and the changes and the mile of care that you guys are doing and knowing more about your I got the training I went to the training in 2019 is how I met the whole OC knew more about what you were doing, so I decided like to have the chance, of course, and the blessed and that has always

the best for you on that. They knock the door and say, would you join us? And they say for sure. So now we are working here in Colombia to have the NGO in for lifetime, not only for Colombia. We want this fund, all that we are doing and that to Latin America and leading that the team on and we want to get as many institutions that we can do providing this knowledge that we have been able to get about to understand trauma inform parents and how kids can get a better education and families as well can do better for the kids.

So that’s what I’m doing now. We are just beginning this journey together and hoping for the best for many things that we want to do, and we have dreaming about it in the last three years of it. I’m so excited to have you on the team and I love that that’s how you met was at the training and that you’d heard of us.

And you know, we’re so lucky to have you. I love regards set that up for us. I think that’s it was a total setup so yeah yeah the timing the timing was perfect. I love that. That’s something that we always are like afraid to just, like, change the job and have something that you don’t know what it’s going to look, but with faith and trust and we are just helping here to put our hands, our minds, our souls in what God is like, just showing us that that’s what we have to do and just follow him and trust.

And then things are going to be great. Good. That’s why I think every time I’m there, I learn a little bit more a piece of that you guys model that so well. And I think that, you know, I think our whole team when we were there, that’s what we left with of like just trusting in the Lord for this and watching him work.

And obviously you guys are working hard on your end to it’s not without, but we need. Yeah, we did. Yes, exactly. So why is this program so important to you personally? Unfortunately, during the last years, we are seen prowling around in Colombia and other countries and all over the world how kids are suffering, how they are like getting the word from the adults.

So, the number of cases are getting this system are going and not only how they were before or just neglect or sometimes domestic violence, but now we’re seeing more awful things that happened to the kids. So, with that in mind, there is like not only because we have to protect the kids, of course, but something is going on, the society as well.

So, we need to go like and look what’s happening behind all these just unfortunately situation so that kids are like happening and as a as a community, as our society, that we must be responsible as well. So that’s what drives me here. And that’s it decided that we don’t want to just do something because the kids need us needs because kids need us.

But in order to help them to heal, we need to do a lot of work with the adults and the due process will in them. I’m going to share with you this a nice phrase from Dr. Karen Per. And she said like kids that had suffered from but treatment, neglect, institutionalized institutionalization, they have to they have big challenges.

But no for them for the caregivers that we have to do what’s not only possible but even farther, that in order to help them to heal and attend their needs. So, I think that with that in mind, it’s really important for me to see them that way because we always have to put the effort on the kids.

They have to change; they have to overcome. They have to start understanding what’s happened in their lives. But that’s not only their job. We as caregivers have a lot to do. So, this is what it’s important for me to be able to be part of this. I love that and I think that we’re seeing that all over the world right now.

Just it means with COVID kids, definitely. I think everywhere kind of took the worst of it like they’ve been they’ve been kind of the last that have been considered. And for the first time, we’re seeing that caregivers are also not okay. You know, like everybody has to dig in, do the work on themselves so that we can care for these kids that have also been through it.

And I love that. That’s what you’re the work that we’re doing is that we’re digging back further to see not that we were all okay before, but to really see that we have to do that work first before we can actually do that healing work with these kids who has seen so much. And we I don’t think we realized going into COVID, I don’t think anyone realized what this would be like, the impact it would be on our kids.

So, you’re working on something called the Sexual Violence Program there and all the trauma that they’re going through, all the kids. That’s one of the things that’s come of this, that you’ve seen more kids that have experienced sexual violence against them, and it’s just heartbreaking. So, you kind of talked a little bit about it, but why is this work specifically so important right now?

During COVID, we were able to see that that idea that most of us, of course, have about that. It’s in their homes where actually it happens. It’s where their relatives, their closest relatives, that’s what’s happened with COVID. We in Colombia where almost the whole two years lockdown. Yeah, so kids were at home and yeah. No way to go to school locked down like you were worse than we were.

We’re in the Seattle area, so we were like 20. You were in, you’re like, you couldn’t go out and hang out outside just in your home and just buy some hours and to buy groceries. And just one person was like this like designated to go out and it was like full sometimes for weeks. Then they open and then they closed again.

So, kids were at home all game with who unfortunately with those that where they were not treated well. They were taking advantage of them. So, but the system, how it works is that most of the cases are reported much more by teachers. So, we didn’t have that one either. Yeah, because they were at home, they were not a trusted person that they can come and say, hey or not even to say just to show that they were not feeling good and they to touch that.

So, for that like 20 2019 and 2020, numbers were like stock, but it was because there was not reporting, they were not able to get into the system once they opened. Like now the numbers that we have from 21 and now the six months of their deaths from this year, of course, they almost like we passed from 39,000 cases to 50 something in general, not only for six.

I just in general. Oh, I mean, just for abuse in general. Yeah. Well, for yeah. Neglect, but treatment of sex abuse of course by domestic violence and yeah. But especially if we just go on and see numbers for sex violence. It’s something like impossible to explain to me what’s, what’s happening, what’s so wrong that they can just not be safe and home and they the place that should be protects them for a damn, the place that or the persons they do most trials their most are not being those caregivers that can provide trust of sale shakiness as well.

So yeah, unfortunately death for sex abuse numbers went from 40,000 in 2000, 20 to 18000 in 2001. And now, what, six months from the year, we have more than 6000 cases that have entered into the system because in the first six months of this year. Yes, yes. 6000 kids have been reported that they have. So. Yep. Oh, that’s just hard.

That’s really sad. It really it is. It’s just yeah, I don’t even know. I think that I came home from our trip back in May and that’s where I came home and I just didn’t know where to put that within myself, you know, it’s just it’s unfathomable. I can’t even say it. It’s unfathomable that that many kids have been living like that and that we’re just now seeing it and that their safety has been taken away from them.

They don’t have a place to go. And how many kids still haven’t it hasn’t popped up yet that they have been being abused. Is the numbers only going to go up? I’m assuming, and as a woman that it’s worse. You know, you see, the numbers are just Gary said, yes, 86 0700 that kids are girls. You just have 14 that are boys.

So and the age ages between 12 and 17 know 15. So that’s more like younger. I just I don’t have a word to express how that’s yeah. Yeah. I think that’s that more and more of the girls are immediately. So, how many in the sexual violence program right now, how many kids are currently in it? And then how do you find out like how do they qualify to be in the sexual violence program?

How do you go about figuring out how that works things? Well, the support that we are receiving from a DCI and the special done is we have 50 kids in the program. Good. But, compared with the ones that I just saw. You like it look like you’re small, but we are grateful for at least been able to help those still standing and what’s happening.

So, once they go through a process, one more of comes, once what’s left and I’m like, okay. And we work really close with their social worker from the state in this is a little town called Covington and there is in charge of what we call commissary. So, they find me okay and they take the cages, they open it, they fill it out with the paperwork and they are like they intake for the what it’s called we start over.

Okay. That’s under the law to protect the child. And they have been working alongside with be singles. So immediately they know about the case they just sent and just started working with this amazing team that they have here at the singles and not only like it probably was before that they found that it was not worth it to go to any kind of services because they are going to be punish or all or blame for something they have received here.

A lot of love, care and and they have learned many things that probably as a family, they haven’t been able to to see or to be aware of. That breaks my heart, too, that they haven’t. When they get help, they’re afraid that they’re going to be blamed for what happened to them. And they’re just little kids, obviously.

Because imagine that most of the cases you go over and see is that because mom decided to get like with a new partner in their life and unfortunately most of the cases are because or a dad new new partner or someone from that family of the partner or someone else do something to the child. So when you know, yeah, you notice something like that that’s happened to your child, you just blame yourselves.

And the guilt comes all over and it doesn’t allow you to see that you are the face that we are going to help you to move forward and reach out and decide what’s happened before. Yeah, that’s huge work. I mean, that’s it feels overwhelming. Even though I just was there and saw it, it just, you know, breaks your heart over and over again.

And I know just for me personally, watching you guys do that work and staying in it with them like you’re doing this work day in and day out like our family preservation partners there. And it’s just such incredible, brave work to be doing. And I know it was inspiring to me to come home and continue to tell people the story and in and if we can all see that’s more that we have a hand to do with these kids instead of just saying in what happened.

Yes, it helps. Yes. Because for sure it’s horror. And you know these stories and you for sure want to do something like you feel strange and like sometimes frustrated because I say, how did it happen? But when you are able to see like there is hope that we are in charge of bringing that home and there is a little kid in front of you that.

Yes. With those beautiful eyes. And you are sure that they deserve it. I think that actually it’s what we all help us to do more for and sometimes even push the family to do more to do it as well. Alongside with us. I love it because we are sure that they deserve our benefits and it is those little eyes.

Then they looking up at you, it’s like, okay, you got me, I’ll do anything. They do deserve a better future. All of these kids deserve that. And I love that you say that. So, do any particular kids stick out to you when you talk about the impact of COVID and what this has looked like in Colombia? And this is you are going to remember this as well, because we met her and the one Salame she was one of the cases that came from COVID.

And we were able to see her and see how precious she was. And so tiny is so tiny and tiny. Yeah. She’s six years old and as well. Just it’s the whole cycle that you can see in this family cycle that we have been talking about a lot, how her mom was living in really good conditions.

And it was, of course, a huge need regarding to poverty that then how they were living. And she had a couple at the time and the father of the couple who the one who unfortunately had not appropriate touches with wood Salame and Salame and was able to tell her mom what’s happening. And but they were living in these conditions.

I mean, they were not easy to say, just let’s go to them lot or let’s something more that we are free now. So as soon as they were able to at least go to the commissary, the familia and start the process as well, their mom has to start all their process. So, when they come here, what’s probably the beauty of these is that they receive help in all that’s like the holistic model and she was able to understand the not even what happened to Salome wasn’t wrong.

But she as a mom was not doing well. She was using punishment and with her she was trying to be really sorry, like counselor. Yes, but she was not close to Salome, but as well she had another daughter. She’s 21 now and she has a baby who is three years old. So see you have all these that we always have our mom that unfortunately is not Christian daughter, that actually is already been a mom without being even.

Yes. Capable of manage her own lives. And then we have Salome who was I mean, this little girl does need needed to help even she how can she could help her mom to see what’s wrong. And they were not doing well. Now that they have been to their promises, their mom felt really like they and she’s empowered and she’s able to understand anything that’s happened before that she has from her boss and how her story here also has probably like drive into these new role that she was having as a mom.

That’s unfortunately with the all ones she could have happen. Now she can do it with silence. So, she’s like learning how to let me one moment. Oh, no problem. I’m sort of you can hear what’s. Yeah, a little bit, but that’s okay. She’s sorry. Okay. So, it just started. She’s learned. You just we’re saying she’s learning also. Just start there and we’ll edit it.

Okay? Think so? Now she’s learning how to be a better mom for him and not use as the physical point yet. And how to use words and how to understand that they have needs and how she should be always this caregiver able to be there for her daughter. So, it has been like an always it happens you know I have two daughters and what you have in your and you see like a child that’s similar age and you busy them and you see how the conditions they were leaving you go home and you said like we are so yes and we have everything and they’re all original version that we didn’t even

have the basics. And so, it’s not. Yes. How to help them to overcome, of course, in sex abuse, but how to help them to like break that cycle of poverty, violence and bad manners, then personally they have received for many years. So now Salame is doing great. Her mom fine. I’m so glad she’s working. She’s working. And that’s what makes probably these beautiful girls.

Exactly. We have said stories, but at the end, it has always are good. And yes, most of the most of the time, yes, we have a good and yes. So the idea is to help them to preserve those kids. We don’t want them to go away. We want them to stay with their biological youngs while they are able to do it.

And people can change and people can change people. People need a lot of just time to understand what’s happening and feel that they can trust and the ones they can do it, they are able to change. Yeah. And that’s what you see time and time again where it does break that cycle. But it’s that deep work that you have to do within their hearts to change their hearts and teach them how they weren’t taught, how they weren’t parented that way.

They don’t know how to work with their child that has gone through this just like that. And that’s what happened a lot of the times with them, too. That’s why we have to honor what they have gone receive. And the problem as well spend many, many weeks just building the relationship between the Friday, the first six months, the data, they don’t want to go immediately to have changes just eight days establishing that like tries and the relationship that they’re creating with these families because once they’re gone not be able to trust them they’re going to believe yes.

Before they can do it, they’re going to see them as well as all that actors in the system that they want to hear me. Yes. So, what the importance of this program is that they are receiving a letter from knowledge, they are receiving a lot of care. But as well, they’re receiving a lot of love from the team.

So it makes actually the difference. So later on, they are able to go and see that. I don’t have to feel guilt guilty. I have to feel. Is that I going to be able to help? Yes. My daughter, my boy and maybe my parents as well, that everybody who was involved in these unfortunately situation that they are leaving.

Well and it’s so incredible because I know you’re talking about like 50 kids in the program right now, but that doesn’t mean it’s only impacting 50 kids. It’s impacting communities, it’s impacting entire families’ generations. Can you imagine if it could have more? Yes, but yes, but exactly. But yes, it’s sad. It is. It’s a ripple effect. That’s what is important.

It’s a ripple effect. Yes. We are touching one family’s lives, but same. They’re touching theirs and then the community. So that’s how we can start like seeing changes and creating this cultural change that when. Yes, and I think it is important we do need more and that comes through funding. That’s what I’m working on. So, we’re going to we do need we need to see this continue to grow.

And we are seeing it. We just need to, you know, get all the pieces together. But it’s so cool because God is doing that on this and to, you know, to continue to provide more funding. And I’m so you know, I’m passionate about it just seeing this continue to grow. And it is and it’s so cool to see the change to go in and meet Salomé and see this little girl that is sweet and dear and loving and kind and open.

And you know how much I know she’s done and her mom’s done to get to that place where she could. And when we met her, remember how proud she was of showing us this house? And I mean, yes, she sang to us. She showed us all of her joys and her words. So we were able to see a happy girl.

And that’s what all kids. Yes, yes. They all deserve to have that to have that opportunity. So how long do kids typically stay within the program? You know, whatever. I mean, within reason. I know summer longer, summer shorter. And then how are their families impacted within that? How exactly do we work with families at that point? It’s like I live in Mom Brussels, but as you said, it depends and the needs so ones can take longer.

Okay, but what we have seen, it’s that we could not work just with the kids. So that’s why they’re bringing the family and as well, the families receiving not only the therapy process, but they’re like an award shows to know more about how to connections works. What’s empowering for the what’s connection as well especially in Colombia for us, correctional was punishment or a time out or just like really the idea that authority means to be strong.

Yes. So they are learning how to have balance between structure and nature. Yeah. Learning how to be a better parent for them. But as well, they’re learning how to understand themselves, their history, what they have already bring to the table every day. So they are working with they I mean, in the therapeutic process with them. But as will this part, the community part that they were like gathered together in families and they work really like in a way that they encourage them to be part of this, not only because it’s what the legal parent is asking you to do, because, of course, they have to go through the process.

But is more because, hey, this is opportunity that probably you haven’t had before. Yeah, this is time for you as a family to take it seriously and do a nice inside and do better. So that’s what actually takes a little like the process sometimes when some kids that have a lot of symptoms, maybe more like behaviors that they present after what’s happened, and that’s what they have to do.

A lot of work on it and teach them how to self-regulate and manage emotions and thoughts and all that. But yeah, especially that’s what they see in the kids and then the parents, they have a lot of work to do with yes, guilty shame and in some unfortunate sleep disorders like anxiety, depression, alcohol, many, many are. And getting in in that with that using alcohol or or substance.

So yeah, it depends. It depends, but they take care of all those aspects. So regrettable. Yeah, it’s hard to see too with kids of course they’re, you know, self-medicating to kind of take away the feelings that they have for a little bit. So I’m so I love that. I love hearing I think as parents, you know, we deal with guilt and shame for the ways that we’ve messed up, that all of us, at least I feel and ways that I’ve done things wrong and I’ve been able to apologize to my kids, but I wasn’t raised like that.

It’s something that I’ve had to learn and go to my own therapy for, to figure out how to do a better job at this. And I just it’s so inspiring to me to see these other parents. They they’re they’re not bad parents. They just didn’t know better. And when you see them going in and doing the work, too, it’s inspiring to me that you guys are loving them through that and doing the hard work to keep them together, to keep their families together.

And, you know, we’ve been so lucky. Do you have any other stories of parents or kids that you’ve seen transformation in their life? I have even especially that I’ve seen for the team that psychologist, the social workers, they were doing things before different. They believed that probably the best way to change them was, I don’t know, like something not related to how we are doing lives in relationship.

So for me, seeing them to change, understand that was one, it was damaging. I mean to relationships going to be healed in relationship it’s probably like I mean like because I am a psychologist and I know how hard it is sometimes that someone comes to your baby, now you have to deal or die then or what you were doing before was not okay and seen the team.

Now like ask for more. Tell me how should I say these or or against, for example, they’re like using in before getting into that they session they have outside signs where the child or the mom or whatever is coming from and say how we are going to say hi to. So do you want a hug? Do you want a high five?

Do you want them jobs yet? So they have those things outside the now it’s changing the way that we relations I love that now they’re not feeling like before this one this here separate ask now they are sitting next to them yeah so yeah like for me personally it is a change a lot like that I haven’t seen before.

And then I see, of course it’s hard to make those changes when you have been working for many years as a social worker and as a psychologist and then as a parent as well, because you are seeing that you are doing what you know. Yeah, that’s because I said so. We love to say that. I say, Oh, yes, what do I have to do?

Because I see so see parents, for example, that saw that. Oh, I think amazing that I have been able to see how they can recognize that the way they were raised. Was that the way I mean, they didn’t know how to do something different. We were punished. They were told that always you cannot say what you wanted. You didn’t they never had voice.

So how they can give voice to their children when they’ve never had their own. So yeah. Especially and as well to see that they, I mean they have to understand that they are the main caregiver and when they do that changes we see later in the kids. So we have those families in power and are ready to share with all their this is possible first family.

They hear about how to connect with the child they are we don’t have time for that. We are so busy and they don’t need that. But then, yes. So here, for example, I have one I think there is a case of mom that will before she get into the house, she waited like 5 minutes and she really.

Wow. She does it and she’s like, I have to leave my problems here without getting in the house. Wow. So now, yes, to hear that you say, okay, this is passing. Yes, this is possible. And I encourage everybody, not just those that are working with kids, kids that has been filed, these unfortunate situations, but for all parents, we should more to try and be more like aware and more of a mindset, much more mindful about what we are doing a parent and then how we really like connect with them and how we relate to their situations and how we respond to those situations.

Wow. I know that’s stuff I’m working on for sure, but I love I love that she’s I love you sharing that she before she walks in the door, she’s thinking about that. She’s being mindful. She’s taking those steps to try to separate out, you know, okay, this is what happened today. I’m not going to bring it in and add it to my kids day.

That’s something that I need to be working on myself. I love that even just at my desk that I can say, okay, I’m going to take some breaths and then when I leave this room, I’m not going to bring my stress with me or, you know, heartache or or anger or whatever it is that, you know, I’m going to leave that here and and go.

I think that there’s so much wisdom and beauty in that. So what I mean, you’ve been doing this work for a long time and you’ve seen so much. What do you hope the impact will be in the next five or ten years? What do you dream as you’re working on this? What do you what do you hope for?

I wish that we could have more families that are like learning how to be a better family for those kids and to be able to see their needs, to be able to understand that they’re not being but kids, that they are just being kidnaped. And they we as adults are the ones who have to learn how to deal with our frustrations, how to manage our emotions.

And for sure do I mean with a word that any child had to be like suffer from something and they just must like, yeah, they must be happy and be kids and they’re taking care of errands or showers at home or taking care of their own feelings or working or. No, they just I hope that probably all the kids receive what my kids are able to achieve now.

And we are not perfect, but we for sure we are doing better. And and it’s because we have taken the time to to understand what’s happening and how we are responsible. I mean, if we are able to understand what detachment is, how important it is, later, later in life, and for sure just be aware of it that we we were born to connect.

You were. And this is why we should try to do it now. Try to do it. I love that. Yeah, that’s exactly it. We were born to connect and I love that that’s. And it’s never too late. You know, if you’re a grandparent, a parent, wherever you are, it’s never too late to make these changes. Never, never, never.

And learn about and and it offers I mean, for me, it’s offered so much freedom for, you know, at this point in my life and and I hope I’m giving my kids the tools that they don’t have to do is I also probably am causing things to as I go that I don’t even realize. But I hope I’m giving them the tools to be able to work through this and be better off than I was, you know, and maybe do it earlier and have more awareness.

And that’s what I hope we can offer to all of these kids. That’s what all these kids deserve to have. Yeah. And as you just mentioned and way you start learning that it’s good to give care but as well receive care. Yes. And then you can negotiate your needs for sure. You’re going to be independence out to animals.

And and that’s probably for me, the best feeling that I have get so far. How to learn how to receive. Yes. And because it feels good. I mean, as we like to always receive our care, it’s hard sometimes to know or to learn or to receive. But for me, if all of us can just start thinking that we’re going to live such a better way that we are doing now, yeah, it’s been one of my big learnings to as an adult because we’re not taught to we’re taught to like always pour out into other especially as Christian women, you know, that you always pour out into other people and do things which are not

bad things, but it’s that that also you allow yourself to receive that love and care and return. And that’s where it changes. That’s where you don’t that’s where you don’t become resentful or, you know, you don’t stop. You’re able to continue doing those things because you’re also allowing that. You’re taking care of yourself. You’re allowing other people to come around you and support you and care for you.

And that’s it’s I think that’s the hardest. At least for me, it was hard. And it’s hard to admit I needed that, you know, that I need that care. It is. And I think that’s what that’s what’s so powerful about what all these parents are experiencing that are also in the program because they’re letting themselves receive care that I think they were maybe told they have never they have never received the before.

So, it’s so powerful. So, what would you say to someone listening that’s maybe thinking about helping or getting involved in this? Or maybe they feel inspired after listening to this? What would you tell them to do right now? I mean, there is always hope. There is none. Things that we can probably feel like there is nothing to do here.

We have to always think that there are a lot of to do sometimes is going to be hard. And this is not something that we are gonna change because we are just part of it. And no, no one can do it by itself. It has to be a team work. So that’s why I encourage everybody to be viable.

This is not just because a guy wants to do it. Yeah. It’s not just because you and I want to do. It’s because we’ve. And we need to stick together in these and we need to not quit because if we. That’s Dr. Kraus from DC. You said that’s if not if it’s not ours who is going to get so I’m guessing by everybody who is listening to us to ask how there is always a house, always a how I love ready to help.

I love that and it it’s that’s exactly it like we can’t do this individually, but when we gather together as a team and dedicate ourselves to this and to making a huge impact, that’s what happens. That’s and that’s how the work continues. I love that. And there will be I’ll make sure to include here at the end of this some different resources and ways that people can get involved if they’re interested.

So keep listening. If if you’re looking for that, we’ll definitely mention that here at the end. Well, thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much for getting on this morning all the way from Colombia. And I can’t wait to just go. I mean, it means so much. I so admire you. And this conversation I think, just made my entire week.

It’s just, I love hearing from you and learning from you. And I hope everyone else that’s listening enjoys it, too, because you’re pretty spectacular. Thank you. Yes, we are doing what we can do with all your support. So, thank you very much for having me. And I hope that we keep talking. Thanks for listening to Together by AGCI. That was AGCI’s Latin America Executive Director Andrea Leon.

I walked away from our call feeling empowered and inspired, and I truly hope that you did too. If you like what you heard today, please share our podcast. You can also go on and rate and reviews wherever you listen to podcasts. If you’d like to read or watch even more stories of hope or listen to more about the work that we do at AGCI, go on to our website at

Follow us on Instagram at @AllGodsChildrenInternational. Thank you so much for listening.